Friday, May 22, 2009

One of my favorite trees. One of my fav places. Moraine Park, RMNP, Ponderosa Pine, Estes Park, CO. - Richard Hahn

For more fabulous photos, visit Richard Hahn's website

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Plains Cottonwood
Hygiene, CO
Circumference: 423"
Height: 95'
Spread: 98'

The plains cottonwood tree in Hygiene, Colorado is one of many champion trees listed in American Forests National Register of Big Trees. Since 1940, citizens have helped American Forests find the largest of 826 species of trees in the U.S. The big tree program is sponsored by The Davey Tree Expert Company. The purpose of the program is to protect our nation’s big trees and recognize the values that trees and forests provide.

For more information, visit:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Coast Redwood

My favorite tree - hmmmm

This is one candidate ...

It's a coast redwood in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park.



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some eastern old growth (Buckeye) on the Jeffrey Hell Trail in Tennessee

Photographer's daughter alongside some eastern old growth (Buckeye) on the Jeffrey Hell Trail in the Citico Creek Wilderness. This is in the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Favorite Tree

Okay, one of my favorite trees. And sitting on its elegant arm is my son. This is my best friend and neighbor's tree, babied and nutured for 17 seventeen years by my BF and her husband. It has weathered countless Arizona monsoon storms and served as rope swing support for all the kids to enjoy. I would (and have) hugged this tree - what about you? Leave us a comment and be sure to vote! Thanks!

About Would You Hug This Tree

Do you tell people that you love trees or do you just love them and keep it to yourself? I fall into the later category, but a photograph that my best friend bought changed all that.

I went across the street to wish my friend a Happy Cinco de Mayo and let her know I was sad we weren't celebrating together (we usually have a fiesta but two of her three kids are really sick) when I noticed a newly framed photograph hanging up in her front room.

Aspen trees. Lovely, inspiring aspen trees. And I couldn't help myself. I confessed. I told her all about how have I LOVED aspen trees ever since I was a little girl. Every summer we went to Colorado and stayed in an old Pony Expres Stop cabin on a little lake. And everywhere you were, there were aspen trees. And I loved them so. I think I even gave names to the ones closest to the cabin.

Now all these beautiful memories came rushing back to me as I'm looking at my friends photograph and giving her WAY more information than she needs about how much I love these trees.

Well she's still my friend and I haven't been able to get those Aspens off my mind since.

Before then, my most standards, I think I spent more time thinking about trees than most people. For example, I know all the trees in my neighborhood, have my favorites, always try to figure out which is the tallest, critique their trim jobs, and get really, really sad when people take them out (I'll never understand that). That is just what I do.

But the Aspen incident got me thinking about how I don't just like trees, I LOVE them. When I was pregnant with my second son, I read "The Wild Trees" by Richard Preston and talked about it nonstop the entire time. I think my husband felt sorry for me and thought it was some kind of pregnancy induced affliction to be tolerated. But it wasn't. I could not get enough of those giant trees and the people who loved them.

So if you count up all the people in the book, plus me, I know there are at least 10 of us that feel the same way about trees. And that is a good thing. A wonderous thing worthy of celebration.

And celebrate we will! I'm inviting all tree lovers to post a picture of their favorite tree (tree lover in photo preferred but optional) and tell us a little bit about it.

So when you're here, we hope you'll share your favorite tree and stay a while to see and read about others' favorites trees. You'll be able to comment on fellow tree lovers photos and even let everyone know if you'd hug it!

For now, we'll need you to leave a comment with some info about your fav tree and a link to the photo or just leave the info and email the pic to us. We're working on having you be able to simply upload your pictures, but haven't found a good solution yet.

Looking forward to seeing your favorite tree!

How to Post Pic of Your Favorite Tree

We'd love to see photos of your favorite tree!

Please leave comment with a link to your photo. We'll retrieve a copy and post it up here for fellow tree lovers to vote: Would you hug this tree? You know it will be yes!

If you don't have a link, please email it to us at

Whether you leave a comment or send us an email, please include a description including the location. We're adding a feature from our friends at Flagr that will enable us to map where all our favorites are located! Thanks. We can't wait to see your tree!