Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Favorite Tree

Okay, one of my favorite trees. And sitting on its elegant arm is my son. This is my best friend and neighbor's tree, babied and nutured for 17 seventeen years by my BF and her husband. It has weathered countless Arizona monsoon storms and served as rope swing support for all the kids to enjoy. I would (and have) hugged this tree - what about you? Leave us a comment and be sure to vote! Thanks!

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How to Post Pic of Your Favorite Tree

We'd love to see photos of your favorite tree!

Please leave comment with a link to your photo. We'll retrieve a copy and post it up here for fellow tree lovers to vote: Would you hug this tree? You know it will be yes!

If you don't have a link, please email it to us at

Whether you leave a comment or send us an email, please include a description including the location. We're adding a feature from our friends at Flagr that will enable us to map where all our favorites are located! Thanks. We can't wait to see your tree!